When you translate, you have to understand every single word, and with such a book especially, that was a challenge. I had no idea how much of an adventure it would become when I began the translation in 1968, but I worked on it in four extended periods through the years until the final publication in 1998.
“The only virtue of a good translation” says Vladimir Nabokov, “is faithfulness and completeness. Whether it reads smoothly or not, depends on the model, not the mimic.”
Faithfulness and completeness is what I strived for.
First I translated into Danish and published a limited edition in 1969 bound in Chinese fashion.

After I settled down in America I did a new translation, this time in English, and some of the problems that I had not cleared up in the first translation were now solved. Still, it seemed to be an undertaking without end, and it was not until the late nineties, that I was ready to publish.
I decided to do this myself, in part because I did not find a publisher, in part because I wanted to make all the decisions myself: the cover, the layout, and the illustrations.

my god, the depths of you, age.
i had no idea..
can this be purchased online by chance?
or using paypal?
I will bring some to Dunun Village. I have tried to get them on Amazon but something happened and I was denied access.
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