Thursday, July 17, 2008


Today we got a new home!
It is the one that, all since I saw it, was the one I liked best, but I had given up on it after not hearing anything for ten days after we gave in our applications. The landlady had been out of town and she called two days ago and wanted to meet us. So we had lunch together yesterday and she is really nice and cool, and today we looked at the house again and struck the deal. The house will be ready for us to move into at the end of the month.
I was beginning to get depressed after more than four months of house hunting in vain, but all the ones who said: "You'll get something!" were right after all. I feel I'll be happy in this house.


Oliver said...

Congrats, it must be nice to have a new home!

Bold oy! said...

Hi Oliver, I like your blog and I have put in a link.
How about that?

Oliver said...

Thanks! I'll work on some new postings.