Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Night

Melanie making up. The house is glowing and warm in the summer night.

My two housemates are ready for Friday night.

I stay home and technically babysit with a monitor. But the kids have been properly tired out and there is not a sound to be heard from them.

Tonight I worship the green Goddess, Purveyor and Protector of Dreams manifest in Beauty.

I am listening to Aziza, the group I was studying with in Africa in 02. It rocks! Their music, which takes material from different tribes in Ghana, has wonderful singing and mesmerizing drums. I have danced to some of these rhythms.

And then I am blogging;
I think blogger-thoughts;
I think about the connection with you my friends and readers who tell me from time to time that you are visiting here; I thank you!
And thank you to you who just drop in!
And thank you to you who have commented - (that's you, Sue ;-)

I must concede that I don't leave many comments with others, so I guess I don't deserve them.

Talking blogger-talk is a sign that one has been infected with bloggeritis.

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