A word about Ngawang Chotak, whom I met in Nepal under the name of
Chris in 1970.

Chotak recently went to a center in San Francisco that helps alcoholics and while he was there he lost consciousness. He was taken from the center to San Francisco General Hospital. The doctors found bleeding had occurred in his brain, like when a trauma to the head occurs. Further, he was put on a respirator, which means the doctors believed he was not able to breathe by himself.
Now he seems miraculously to be coming back from another brush with death. He can breathe by himself and communicate. His sister and his oldest son are with him and his younger son is on his way from Nepal.
Pray with Ngawang Chotak’s many students for his recovery!
Aloha! I spent time with Chris as a high School companion then as a traveler to Nepal when he lived around the Bodanath stupa 1973 (almost 30 years ago)
How would I get in touch with him? I assume
he is back in good health...
Chotak is recovering well, but he is far from full recovery. Unfortunately I have thrown out the emails I got about him but please ask for information on lightraes@aol.com
I am sure they will answer your question in more detail and give you the address of the place where he is.
Sorry I cannot help more.
J. Chris Kolb
Ward L-4(th Floor)
Laguna Honda Hospital
375 Laguna Honda Blvd.
SF CA 94116
415-759-3017 (nurses' station, and can reach him through it)
Chotak's ATT Cell phone: 415/519-2612
any more recent news about Chris? could you reply via my e-mail eleanorwynn2
at gmail.com
any updates about Chris?
No, I don't even know if he's alive or not.
Does anyone know of Chris's health and welfare? I listen to him a lot on LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Radio and am extremely blessed by him. I'm a practicing Buddhist. Thank you so much, om mani padme hum.
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