Come in this way -
There is Napoleon, emperor of the neighborhood, gracing the backyard with his presense:
It's time for viewing apple flowers-
Just look at this!
This is Eric's palace:
and a corner for this and that:
The front yard is nicer:
Thanks for the visit, shal I give you a ride?
Thanks for the garden stroll, and for the ride. I felt right at home! Cozy nooks you have there.
BTW the streetcars are beautiful. Those in my city are modern and too ugly to photograph. "Something is lovely in the state of Denmark" (f not everything^^)
Forgot to mention His Imperial Highness - Napoleon sure is a majestic cat. He owns your place, and knows it.
Napoleon always owned the whole neighborhood.
I can't let him in the house because my house mate's boyfriend is allergic to cats, but he really likes our backyard, and I like having him around since I lost my cat (see post 'Nia')
With a guardian spirit like Napoleon around the place, surely no harm can befall you. What a beautiful backyard, with what appears to be a little hideaway apartment.
This place is a small leftover from almost 100 years ago and I am very lucky to live here. I rent but have been here 14 years. :-))
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